What is the Difference between Grunt, NPM, Package and Bower?

What is the Difference between Grunt, NPM, Package and Bower?

Grunt: A Java Script task runner which can performrepetitive tasks like compilation, unit testing, minification, linting, etc to make our job easier.

NPM: Apackage manager for JavaScript. It manages dependencies for an application. It also allows users to install Node.js applications / modules that are available on the npm registry.

Package.json is a document you need to know about what application/modules you need to install. The most important things are the name and version fields, without whichthe package won’t install without them.

Bower works by fetching and installing packages from all over, taking care of hunting, finding, downloading, and saving the stuff you’re looking for. Bower keeps track of these packages in a manifest file, bower.json.

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