Innovation and technology go hand in hand. Technology is all about the changing of ideas into something tangible. Innovation is not only for those organizations and individuals who are creative, but also requires the presence of scientific and technological talent. No doubt technology has transformed our lives into something much better.

Innovation and technology go hand in hand. Technology is all about the changing of ideas into something tangible. Innovation is not only for those organizations and individuals who are creative, but also requires the presence of scientific and technological talent. No doubt technology has transformed our lives into something much better.


DC/OS is a distributed operating system based on the Apache Mesos distributed systems Kernel. It enables the management of a multiple number of machines as if they were in a single computer. It robotizes resource management, schedules process placement, facilitates inter-process communication, and simplifies the installation and management of distributed services.

In a single computer environment, the user’s operating system automatically takes care of the following things. When was the last time the users had to ask their laptop that which processor core to be run in their application?

On your laptop, the job of scheduling an application to a specific core is handled by the Kernel. The Kernel manages all the resources on your computer, including memory, disk, inputs, and outputs.

Features of DC/OS
High-resolution utilization

Deciding where to place long-running services which have changing resource requirements over time is harder. DC/OS manages this problem by separating resource management from task scheduling. Task placement is delegated to higher level schedulers that are more aware of their tasks and their specific requirements. This model is known as two-level scheduling and it enables multiple workloads to be accumulated efficiently.

Mixed workload accumulation.

DC/OS makes it easy to run all your computing tasks on the same hardware. For scheduling of long-running services, DC/OS integrates with Marathon to provide a solid stage on which it has to launch micro services, web applications or other schedulers.

For complex custom workloads, a user can even write their own schedule to optimize and control the scheduling logic for specific tasks.

Public and private package repositories

DC/OS makes the user to easily install both community and proprietary packaged services. The mesosphere universe package repository connects the user with the library of open source industry-standard schedules, services, and applications. DC/OS also supports installing from multiple package repositories: one can host their own private packages which are to be shared within their company or with their customers.

Service discovery and load balancing

DC/OS also includes several options for automating service discovery and load balancing. Distributed services creates distributed problems, but the user does not need to solve those problems by themselves. DC/OS includes automatic DNS endpoint generation, an API for service lookup, transport layer, and load balancing for external-facing services.


At the highest level, we categorize into three security zones in a DC/OS deployment, namely the admin, private, and public security zones.

Admin zone

The admin zone is obtainable through HTTP/HTTPS and SSH connections and provides access to the master nodes. It also provides reverse access to the other nodes in the cluster via URL routing

Private zone

Private zone is a non-routable admin network which can be accessed only from the admin zone. Deployed services can run in the private zone.

Public zone

The publicly accessible applications can be run in the public zone. Usually, only a small number of agent nodes are run in this zone. The edge router forward transfers the traffic to applications running in the private zone.

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