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What kind of information do Internet of Things (IoT) objects communicate?

The answer depends on the nature of the object, and it can be simple or complex. For example, a smart thermometer might have only one sensor, used to communicate ambient temperature to a remote weather-monitoring center. A wireless medical device might, in contrast, use various sensors to communicate a persons body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and other variables to a medical service provider via a computer or mobile phone.


What is the difference between IoT and M2M?

The difference between M2M and IoT are as follows.

M2M is basically communication between a machine or a device with a remote computer.

There are three processes involved in the M2M as mentioned below:

  • It connects the device to the cloud.
  • Manage the device.
  • Collects the machine and/or sensor data.

IoT goes beyond the M2M periphery and it basically represents things connecting with the systems, people, and other things.

M2M can be taken as a integral to the IoT. IoT is bigger than M2M.


What is IoT?

What exactly is Internet of Things? It is an equivocal term, but it is becoming a tangible technology that can be applied to data centres to collect the information about anything that IT wants to control.

In simple term, The Internet of Things (IoT) is essentially a system of machines or objects outfitted with data-collecting technologies so that those objects can communicate with one another. The machine-to-machine data which is generated has a wide range of uses but is commonly seen as a way to determine the health and status of things.

Internet of Things is a new revolution of the Internet. Objects make themselves recognizable and they obtain intelligence by enabling context related decisions. They can access information that has been aggregated by other things, or they can be components of complex services. This transformation is associated with the emergence of cloud computing capabilities and the transition of the Internet towards IPv6 with an unlimited addressing capacity. The main goal of the Internet of Things is to enable the things to be connected anytime, anyplace, with anything and anyone using any path or network.

There is a diverse combinations of communication technologies, which need to be adapted in order to address the needs of IoT applications such as efficiency, speed, security, and reliability. In this context, it is possible that the level of diversity will be scaled to a number of manageable connectivity technologies that address the needs of the IoT applications. Standard IoT examples include wired and wireless technologies like Ethernet, WI-FI, Bluetooth, ZigBee, GSM, and GPRS.


The principal characteristics of the IoT are as follows:

Interconnectivity: With regard to the IoT, everything can be interconnected with
the global information and communication infrastructure.

Things-related services: The IoT is capable of providing things-related services within the constraints of things, such as privacy protection and semantic consistency between physical things and their associated virtual things. To provide things-related services within the constraints of things, both the technologies in physical world and information world will change.

Heterogeneity: The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous, based on different hardware platforms and networks. They can interact with other devices or service platforms through different type of networks.

Dynamic changes: The state of devices change dynamically, for instance sleeping and waking up, connected or disconnected as-well-as the context of devices including location and speed. Furthermore, the number of devices can change dynamically.

Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be at least an order of magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current Internet. It is even more critical when the management of the data and their interpretation for application purposes are generated. This relates to semantics of data, as well as efficient data handling.

Safety: As we all gain benefits from the IoT, we should not forget about safety. Both the creators and recipients of the IoT, must design for safety. This includes the safety of our personal data and the safety of our physical well-being. Securing the endpoints, the networks, and the data moving across all of it means creating a security paradigm that will scale.


You might be surprised to learn how many things are connected to the Internet, and how much economic benefit we can derive from analyzing the resulting data streams. Below are some examples of the impact the IoT has on industries:

Intelligent transport solutions speed up traffic flows, reduces fuel consumption, and arranges vehicle repair schedules.

Smart electric grids more effectively connect with renewable resources and improve system reliability.Machine monitoring sensors determine and forecast the pending maintenance issues, near-term part stock outs, and schedule maintenance crew schedules for repair equipment and regional needs. Data-driven systems are built into the infrastructure of “smart cities,” making it easier for municipalities to run waste management, law enforcement, and other programs more systematically.


With the incessant boom of the emerging IoT technologies, the concept of Internet of Things will soon be inevitably developed on a very large scale. This emerging paradigm of networking will influence every part of our lives ranging from the automated houses to smart health and environment monitoring by implanting intelligence into the objects around us.

Internet of Things